Lee has developed a resilience program which supports teams and individuals to flourish even through times of VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Chaos and Ambiguity.) The pillars of the program are wellness and self-care thorough mindfulness, healthy life choices, building a personal brand, stress management, emotional awareness and behavioural competencies.

Wellbeing is partnership between the organisation and individual is a balanced responsibility. Leadership provides the psychological safety and environment for people to thrive. Being fit and well is a personal choice. Yet, if we make poor choices in how we take care of ourselves it potentially creates much personal suffering, affects those closest to us and has an enormous effect on how effective we are at work. Illness leads to absenteeism which in turn places our colleagues under more pressure and this in turn impacts on our delivery to our customers and ultimately our business objectives. Even feeling slightly below par affects our creativity, moods and ability to make good decisions.

The resilience workshops and coaching programs she has designed and offered are based on the following components of wellbeing:

  • Physical health
  • Managing emotions
  • Relationships
  • Work/Life Balance
  • Financial stability